Alan Cumming deserves all the awards, all the accolades, all the good things in life!

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Right?! Perfection. 👌

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Jun 6Liked by Amy Aliazzo

I remember in science class in the first year of high school they weighed and measured the height of everyone in the class so we could practice graphs. I'd rather never have known what a graph is than be subjected to this level of horror!

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WHAT?! That's INSANE! And PS...Have you ever even used a graph? I've used one MAYBE three times in my life. And that's being generous!

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Jun 6Liked by Amy Aliazzo

It was an older male teacher (probably not as old as he is in my memory 😄) and I think the awkwardness didn’t register with him. The only acceptable place to fall in those years was bang in the middle of the graph - oh those lucky people 😂

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OMG - horrifying!

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I immediately subscribed to Dacy! And now I am on the hunt to watch the Oprah special with Katie! I have been following her on and off for years and love the important work she is doing.

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You'll LOVE Dacy, ESPESH b/c she incorporates a LOT of deep, therapeutic values into her work! The Oprah special's on YouTube and it's LONG. But I was transfixed! Some people, I didn't love (the doctor at the end), but seeing people's vulnerability in sharing their stories made me cry. Katie's only at the beginning and the end but she was just so strong and amazing!

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That sandwich scene is the most psychotic thing I've ever seen. I'm going to be thinking about it for the rest of the day.

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LOL, I couldn't believe it was actually available on YouTube, but I think it's b/c he throws it against the window and it sticks which is kinda funny? Unless everyone else in the world was thinking about WW points like I was!

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I mean I definitely look at that much peanut butter and do calculations in my head, too - so you're not alone there! But it's still an unhinged way to make a sandwich regardless!

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Oh my goodness I’m blushing!! So glad you’re finding it worthwhile!!

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