Oh man, I'm already grieving this day for myself, even though I don't know when it will happen. But reading this made me feel like it will all be okay. I'm sure you've read it, but in the off chance you haven't, you should read Joan Didion's Goodbye to All the That about her own decision to leave New York. Thank you for sharing your New York, and congrats on this new chapter!!

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Oh, thank you for this! ♥ Just looked up that book and I'm SO HAPPY you mentioned it b/c I've been thinking about a book I'd seen in a bookstore years ago about leaving NYC and I remember telling myself, "I should take note of this so I can read it when my time comes to leave," and IT'S THE BOOK YOU MENTIONED so thank you so much! You just made my day!!! PS...As for not knowing when leaving will happen, I thought I NEVER would and then it just started to feel right. Who knows if/when it'll happen but I can guarantee you if it does, it'll be because you want it to. I could've left last year b/c my rent was raised 50% (!!!), and instead of leaving, I just moved to a different area b/c I wasn't ready yet. And now I am. Go figure!

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I know i’ll leave new york in a year and it makes me sad already. loved reading your list of things you love and hate about the city!

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God. You’re so good. Those links and memes all had me audibly laughing or being like, “me too!!!”

I loved hearing about your NYC 💕

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Lol the one of Ryan Gosling dancing towards the couch on a weekend night made me feel DEEPLY understood!

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Like someone has a camera on me when I’m home alone eveb

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YES! Like is that not how you felt on your date night watching The Bear with your husband?!

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Haha. Correct.

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Love this ode to NYC! I spent a lot of time in New York when I was a kid and my sister and I had a game where we'd take bets on how long it would be before we saw public urination, and it was always (ALWAYS) in the cab from the airport, immediately after arriving.

Hoping you have a stress-free move and love your new space and town.

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LOL, wow - IMMEDIATELY after arriving?! That's gotta be some kind of record. The craziest ones I've seen are people who don't even bother like...hiding in a corner? It's wild! Definitely happy I'll no longer be subject to that!

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Welcome to the burbs!!!

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Thank you!!! 🏡

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